Note: The information in this article applies to Team Foundation Server 2010.

If you're experiencing a problem and a TF-error code (TFXXXXXX) is available, you may want to check the "Technical Problems & Troubleshooting" section for a resolution.

Here are some common errors that you may encounter while connecting to or using Team Foundation Server that do not have an associated error code:

The following object is not from a domain listed in the Select Location dialog box, and is there not valid:

The ability to add a user isn't available due to limitations imposed by Team Foundation Server. If you need to add a user to a collection, please access the Adding Users to a Team Foundation Server Collection article or if you need to add a user to a project, access the Adding Users to a Team Foundation Server Project guide
Access Denied: TFSSERVER\User needs the following permission(s) to perform this action: View collection-level information
If you experience this error when attempting to remove a Team Project, your user account MUST have administrative privileges to the project. You can use the Project Groups tool to permit access.