Create a new Team Project using Visual Studio 2005, 2008 or another application

Note: The information in this article applies to Team Foundation Server 2010.

You will not be able to create a new Team Project using Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 so as a workaround, you will need to download and install Microsoft Visual Studio Team Explorer 2010 - ISO.

Also, verify that you have already created a user through the Manager Users utility in the Control Panel and that you've added the user that you've created to a group through the Global Groups tool.

1. After the installation process has completed, locate the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 folder from your Start menu and then launch the Visual Studio 2010 Shell by clicking on the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 shortcut.
2. From the Team menu, select the "Connect to Team Foundation Server..." option.
3. Click the "Servers..." button.
4. Next, click on the "Add..." button.
5. Supply for the "Name or URL Team Foundation Server" field where "tfsxx" is the Team Foundation Server for your account.

*NOTE - If you need to find out what server you're hosted on or need to obtain the name of your collection, access the Account Information page in your Control Panel.
6. At the "Add/Remove Team Foundation Server" screen, click on the "Close" button.
7. Access the Team Explorer window and if it's not already visible, access the View menu and then click on Team Explorer.
8. From the Team Explorer window, right-click on the server, then click on the "New Team Project..." option to start the new team project wizard and create your team project.